Unlock iPhone 4

Millions of iPhone 4 users across the world have been mesmerized by this Apple gadget. However, the downside for most users is switching between networks, as the iPhone 4 comes tied to one particular GSM network provider. However, if you unlock iPhone 4, you will be able to use any wireless phone service provider. By performing this unlock, you will remove all the SIM card restrictions on the modem within your iPhone. The process is relatively simple and can be reversed in case any mishap is encountered.

Begin With Jailbreak
the reason why many iPhone 4 users allow themselves to be tied is because they do not know how to unlock iPhone 4. Performing software unlock is not only safe to do but easy as well. All you need is to first have your iPhone jailbroken. Apple usually restricts installation of third party apps, such as the ones you need to unlock iPhone 4. However, by jailbreaking your iPhone, you will be able to go around this hurdle. To do this, follow the following steps:
1. Connect your iPhone 4 to a Mac or Windows computer using a Dock Connector to USB cable.
2. Open the iTunes application. In case you do not have this, you can download it from the Apple website.
3. Right click on the iPhone 4 within the iTunes application.
4. Select the ‘Back Up’ option from the drop down menu that appears. A back up for all the data in your device will be backed up in iTunes on the computer you are using. This may take some time depending on the capacity of your device.
5. Eject the device and unplug your cables.
6. Open your iPhone 4 browser and slide the bar on the bottom of the page that says ‘slide to jailbreak’ from left to right. Wait for the jailbreak to be completed.
7. Reboot your device and you will be ready to proceed to unlock iPhone 4.

Now Unlock iPhone 4
Jailbreaking is definitely the donkey work in trying to unlock iPhone 4. This will add the Cydia installer to your iPhone springboard. After successfully doing this, you can now proceed to unlock your device. Here are the final steps to unlock iPhone 4:
1. Open the Cydia application from your jailbroken iPhone.
2. In the search bar in you iPhone 4, search for ‘ultrasn0w. The repo to use is ‘repo666.ultrasn0w.com’.
3. Install Ultrasn0w to unlock iPhone 4. Do not interrupt the installation process at any point, it’s worth waiting for.
4. Once installation is complete, reboot your device by holding the home button and the sleep/wake button.

You will now have successfully unlocked your iPhone and be free to use a SIM card from a network provider of your choice. The process is very simple so you do not have an excuse why you should be tied up to one network provider. However, skipping a single step could compromise the success of the entire process. Once you unlock iPhone 4, the choice of who to serve you will be yours.


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