9 Effective Ways To Cure Low Energy, Fatigue?

Fatigue is a common occurrence in today’s jet paced, hectic life. Fatigue may be defined as a state of exhaustion or a drop in energy level. Fatigued people do not feel any urge to do work. They prefer resting all the time. Fatigue falls in 2 categories: physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Physical fatigue is characterized by weakness of muscles making the person incapable of acting at the level of his or her normal capacity. A person with physical fatigue cannot exert his or her muscles forcefully because the muscles are overworked or tired.

Mental fatigue, in simple terms, is the tiredness of the mind. It may not be associated with any muscle weakness. A mentally fatigued person either experiences somnolence or sleepiness or a reduced consciousness level. This can be risky especially when one is doing some activity that demands alertness and concentration, such as driving a car. Fatigue is not a disease in itself but could be a manifestation of some disease. Depending upon its duration, fatigue can be prolonged fatigue and chronic fatigue. Prolonged fatigue continues for a span of 1 month whereas chronic fatigue persists for at least 6 months. The causes of fatigue or low energy may be listed below:

1. Strenuous activities
2. Stress
3. Depression
4. Jetlag
5. Over-stimulation
6. Under-stimulation
7. Monotony
8. Insomnia
9. Poisoning
10. Drug abuse
11. Fructose mal-absorption
12. Nutritional deficiency
13. Excessive blood loss
14. reatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy
15. Medication side-effect
16. Medical conditions like anemia, hemochromatosis, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, leukemia, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart disease, infectious diseases, uremia, liver failure, chronic fatigue syndrome, common cold, cancer etc.

Ways to cure fatigue, low energy:

1. If you are experiencing fatigue, snatch some time from your schedule to take an ultra quick power nap. All you have to do is to shut your eyes for few minutes, free your mind and breathe deeply. You can return to your after this. You will feel a great difference in your focus and alertness.

2. Loneliness generates boredom which in turn generates fatigue. The best thing you can do to manage it is to tune in to your FM or pull out your ipod and start listening to your favorite music. This will refresh your mind and will brush aside your feelings of being tired.

3. Deep breathing is a good cure for fatigue for it accelerates the oxygen supply to your body cells. When your cells are nourished through ample oxygen supply, their vitality increases, making you feel quite energetic.

4. Drinking ample water can dispel your fatigue. Dearth of water in your body lessens blood volume and cause fatigue. Check this by drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day.

5. If you are sitting at a desk for prolonged hours, this may make you feel fatigued. Get up and move. Take few rounds, twist and turn your body and then get back to work. This will improve your blood circulation, thereby increasing your energy levels.

6. Laughter drives away fatigue by triggering the production of endorphins in your body. So try to find some source of amusement and laugh a little. You can read jokes or watch a comedy show on the TV for the purpose.

7. Speaking helps to boost energy. So try not to be quite. Converse with others to forget tiredness.

8. Regular body massages or spas can also eliminate fatigue from your life.

9. Another easy way to increase energy level is to take herbal energy booster such as Sfoorti capsules, Revival capsules, Shilajit or Musli Strong capsules.

Read about Herbal Treatment for Lack of Energy. Also know Herbal Treatment for Kidney Stone.

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