Pushing the Limits of your Custom Posters

Even if you are printing custom posters for any purpose, you will still always have a lot of limitations in creating it. There are always size restrictions, material limitations and of course the occasional financial blocks that make things difficult to customize. Unless you really do everything yourself, and develop your own printer for custom posters, there will be something that will block you from doing everything your way.

Now, with all this taken into account, you should know however that while there are limitations, it does not mean that you can’t push those limits in poster printing. Limits can be moved effectively for your benefit if you do it in the right way. So, let me teach you a few tips on how to push the boundaries of your custom posters and develop great looking ones that push the limits of what we think are great color poster prints.

Pushing the boundaries of shapes – Most classic posters are rectangular. All poster templates are rectangular. The rectangle is of course the standard shape that a color poster is printed on. So the simplest way to go beyond the boundaries of traditional color posters and maybe attract more viewers to them ,is to just print color posters in a different shape.

From rectangular posters, you can try a simple push for square posters, triangular posters or even posters that have multiple sizes (hexagon posters anyone?). You can even go for circular or oblong folders if need be and it should look quite distinct and eye-catching. Just take note though that straight sided cuts for custom shaped posters are easier to create than circular ones, and of course you will need to hire an actual poster printing company that can do this. However, if you execute this well, you will have the best color posters on the market since people will always want to at least glance at unusually shaped posters beyond the regular ones.

Pushing the boundaries of size – Size is something of a set nature today in color poster printing. Most poster printing companies will want you to abide by certain poster templates with set sizes like letter-sized 8.5 by 11 inch posters to large format 25 by 39 formats. While templates are all good in most cases, they are of course a limitation with what you want to do. You might actually want a specific size that is not in the available templates. Or you want something that is relatively larger or smaller than those templates.

The good news is, it is possible to push the boundaries of size. Instead of going for those set printers. I recommend that you go for digital printers that have large printing machines which can accommodate most customized sizes for poster printing. You just need to send your custom sized poster design to them and they can print and cut your posters to your exact specifications. It is that easy to push the boundaries of size if you really need to.

Pushing the boundaries of printing colors and inks – It is also quite possible to push the boundaries of the printing colors and inks of your color posters. Besides the traditional full color printing process that is in use in most printing companies, there are actually other kinds of special inks that can help your color posters look quite distinct.

There are special luminescent inks that glow in the dark that can give your posters that odd creepy look. There are special metallic inks that make your poster design elements gleam like gold, silver or steel. There are even special glitter inks that make your designs twinkle and gleam. You will need a specialized printing company to do this, but it is quite possible to do this easily as you push the boundaries of your color poster design even further.

So why don’t you try out pushing some of these limits in your color poster printing? Trust me, all of these “limit pushing” tricks are worth it in turning your color posters into really unique and powerful mediums of communication. So do not be afraid to push the limits in custom poster printing.

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