Submit Shareware in the Best Way
Submit Shareware in the Best Way
The initial step to improve your shareware submission is to post your products up rated download sites. This can be done yourself, but beware it needs time to work and energy to obtain listed. The choice would be to request a professional’s help. You will find a lot of companies providing the service, some are focused on software promotion, and others offer several marketing services as well as entire search engine.
Major benefits of shareware submission:
More visibility and downloads, which ultimately means more shareware sales
Specific traffic, among the primary reasons of shareware promotion
More back links and elevated link recognition, which increase your website’s Google page rank and position within the primary search engines.
Good way to market your software some sites include new shareware distribution within the most visible a part of their home page; others could also include these within their news letters
The opportunity to enhance your software, according to users’ feedback, a number of these sites and sites provide real time feedback from customers as rates or comments.
For any effective shareware submission target the following steps:
Produce a good PAD file. What is pad? PAD (Portable Application Description) is really a new XML based standard helping authors provide product explanations and specifications to online sources inside a standard way, utilizing a standard data format that will permit website owners and program librarians to automate program entries. PAD usage is becoming extremely popular since it simplifies the whole submission process – both for authors and website owners. Essentially it enables you to definitely register your programs rapidly, only using the Link to the information file.
Try to look for the right category for the site – this can enhance your focusing on.
Write a higher-quality site description.
Provide correct information. Make sure a piece of content of knowledge you submit.
Get indexed by as numerous download sites and sites as possibly as you can.
Keep an eye on all of the sites and sites you’ve posted your software to.
To be able to constantly market your shareware, don’t submit new or modified versions. Many sites sort the data through the date from the last update.
Evaluate the traffic you receive from all of these sites while focusing on individuals nobody provides you with clients.
Shareware submission is about as well as your product in as numerous download sites and sites as you possibly can. Always bear in mind that downloads, specific traffic and many important, sales, originate from a sustained presence on the web.