Make Your Custom Fields Work for You When Using WordPress Themes

When using WordPress themes you need to understand the basic functionality of certain in-built features of WordPress like custom fields. So what are custom fields? They are a form of meta-data set which allow you to store arbitrary information related to each WordPress post. While using WordPress themes India, the developers at Wits Technologies take advantage of the fact that custom fields have played a crucial role in revolutionizing the way WordPress themes are visualized and used.

Savvy developers also know while using WordPress themes in India that you can add any field you like and save the post. Since this additional arbitrary information related to the post is stored in the database, it can be called upon to reflect anywhere within the WordPress theme in use. That field is given a specific name like the name of a mood and is known as a key. So it will remain constant since it is assigned a particular value. The end result is that it will display the same value or key in all related posts, even I it is used several times within the same post.

Remember that while developing WordPress themes in India you want to create an interface that is not only robust but also easy to use. This is because not all clients are tech savvy. So you need to hide your custom field entries to steer clear of confusion and keep your posts clutter free. The developers at Wits Technologies are aware while using WordPress themes India the value of any required custom field can be generated dynamically through your code or through a custom user interface.

Another best practice followed by them while using WordPress themes in India is to ensure that some kind of default content takes the place of a conditional statement when the latter is missing. Making a conditional statement within a WordPress theme design using custom fields is really cool. You can do this by using the query_posts function in WordPress. When you want to display a post which has a specific mood or value or key for its custom field, then you can create a loop for it. The WordPress themes India which you use would then use the query_posts tag to display an entry under that function or mood only.

Normally you don’t need to redesign things like headers and footers while using WordPress. However, should you want to customize a side bar for a specific post which may not be in the WordPress theme you are using, you can do so using the custom fields. You can also display post-specific content outside the post loop by changing the part where it says ‘Your-Custom-Field’.

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