Wedding dress collection techniques
What is the dress preserved? That is, through a special cleaning and packaging technology to maintain the original dress. A professional dress preservation experts will first check your dress material, accessories and all kinds of stains, and then customize a special cleaning procedures. After cleaning, he would dress better on the folding box.
Love knot wedding dress preservation experts recommend cleaning as soon as possible after your wedding dress, or over time, some of it washed away the stains. Remember, if you do not dress to save time, silk dress material like sludge on the traces of red wine or dress will cause fading.
Save the wedding dress shop in the professional
Chongqing a few weeks before the wedding photography you have to start looking for dress cleaning the place. You can ask family, friends, bridal salon staff, or listen to your wedding planner’s , you can log love webs business channels, in your neighborhood to find a gown cleaning specialist. Although many dry cleaners claim to clean the dress, but most are not professional. Unless a dry cleaning shop hundreds of pieces of the dress cleaned every year, you can see it as a qualified preservation professional dress shop.
Wedding cleaning method: Hand Wash
Some dress shops using wet cleaning technology, that is a mild detergent hand wash method. This will clean out the obvious stains and champagne, sugar and the like such as invisible stains. If not addressed, those invisible stains will be oxidized and faded with the passage of time into ugly yellow. Some shop uses a more traditional dry-cleaning technology, which is to be processed on the stains before passing into the dry cleaning machine in clean dress. In addition, the choice of cleaning agents, the use of PCE or petroleum-based cleaning agent is a good choice, although petroleum-based cleaning solvent on the stain as PCE completely, but the nature of its rich oil can nourish some fabric to make them shiny.
Wedding packages: the best material is thin and gray cloth
Packaging material is definitely wedding dress can affect life span. Most dress preservation experts do not recommend using plastic to wrap dress, because it can cause permanent folds together to absorb moisture and air, the clothes moldy. Love knot wedding dress preservation experts believe that the true nature of white copy paper or thin fabric is the best foreign yarn and printing of packaging materials. However, the general tissue containing acid, dress will gradually fade, but also be careful not to use colored tissue paper, because if the box accidentally gets wet, your dress will be stained.
PH value is neutral box can be stored for a long wedding dress
Many experts have to dress in a neutral PH value of acid-free box in the Save, for example, to dress and adapt to temperature changes in the permeability strong card tray. Some boxes have observed the hole, you can not open the box and see the dress. If your dress box with observation holes, then cellulose acetate products, packaging material is more suitable than plastic. Please note that box to be kept in dark places, because the light will turn yellow over time fabric. Some other stores used by Ke Luopu Las box made of this new plastic is very durable.
Dress material selection based on different sealing
Some dress shops that seals can save insects and pests in isolation outside the box, while others believe that if the dress has the right packaging, and sealing is not required. If you really need to open the box, carefully touch the dress, although not wear white gloves, but also have to ensure your hands are clean, so as to ensure that the dress will not see the hands of the oil and turn yellow. Many brides want to shoes and jewelry accessories with the dress of a class with the preservation, gown preservation experts believe that some of these items may emit odor and damage to the dress. But some experts believe that if these items are cleaned and individually wrapped, can be saved together with the strapless wedding dress. Whether you have any questions, you can dress to the love knot wedding expert advice, love knot dress according to your material to provide you with professional advice.