650-472 training practice

At the time, 650-472 exam the company envisioned layer 3 routing and layer 2 (Ethernet, Token Ring) switching as complementary functions of different intelligence and architecture – the former was slow and complex, the latter was fast but simple.The phenomenal growth of Internet in mid-to late 1990s quickly changed telecom landscape.

Meanwhile, 650-472 Cisco the growth of Internet bandwidth requirements kept challenging traditional, software-based packet processing architectures. The perceived complexity of programming routing functions in silicon led to formation of several startups determined to find new ways to process IP and MPLS packets entirely in hardware and blur boundaries between routing and switching.

While Cisco was not the first company to develop and sell a router,it was one of the first to sell commercially successful routers supporting multiple network protocols.Classical, CPU-based architecture of early Cisco devices coupled with flexibility of operating system IOS allowed for keeping up with evolving technology needs by means of frequent software upgrades.

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