Toyota’s calendar app keeps me in the loop wherever I am

An incident at work the other day forced me to bring my diary keeping into the 21st Century with the new Toyota calendar app for the iPhone.

I’m a project manager and I was having one of those days where I had meeting after meeting, with plenty of miles in between, plus an overnight stay, followed by more meetings the next day.

I usually enjoy getting out and about and because I always wrote everything studiously in my diary I always knew exactly where I needed to be.

However, on this particular day, with two meetings under my belt, I was jumping in the car to get to the next, which I knew was at 3pm – but I suddenly had a complete mental block as to where the meeting was.

I reached inside my brief case for a quick look in the diary, only to discover to my horror that it was nowhere to be found.

I sat in the car for a while, going through old emails on my iPhone, trying to work out what plans I had made, a sense of panic taking hold.

Eventually to my great relief, I found an email confirming the location of my meeting and I could vaguely remember the details for the one the following day. I would just have to wing it.

It’s a horrible sensation to be without the very thing you depend on and I decided I needed something a bit more up to date to keep me organised.

My iPhone is with me 24/7 so the obvious answer was to find an app that could log all my meetings and tasks, giving me the ability to check the diary whenever I needed to.

I have found the Toyota Calendar app to be the next best thing to a PA (as, of course, we don’t all get the benefit of one of those!). I can input all my meetings and tasks, ask for alerts and reminders and scroll quickly through the months to see what’s coming up. If I’m staying away I can use the handy slider to see up to a seven-day view on one screen.

I’ll never go back to a paper diary now. With the Toyota calendar app I always know what’s next on the agenda. Find it at

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