Tips For Top E-mail Campaigns

Regardless of the size of your company, a solid e-mail marketing campaign for everything from sales events to corporate fundraising updates is one of the key ways to connect with existing and potential customers. Knowing what to put in those e-mails and who to send them to is key to your success and of course a lot is riding on the look and “feel” of your e-mail piece.

A good e-mail campaign should be designed to retain existing customers and entice new customers to your business, and the way to do it is to offer attractive, professional-looking email communication formats that lend themselves to relationship building.

It is no longer necessary to spend thousands of dollars on printed post cards, fliers and other collateral materials, provided you are able to reach new and potential customers via e-mail. In fact, studies are showing that e-mail marketing is swiftly overtaking traditional print campaigns for many businesses around the country, as it provides an affordable and reliable way for companies of all sizes and operating on a wide range of budgets to get on board.

E-mail is not just a note. You can use e-mail campaigns to get out your company newsletters. In fact, with all of the emphasis on wasted paper and saving trees, your customers are going to be happy to see you make the move to an electronic version of the corporate newsletter.

E-Newsletters present a fast, effective and inexpensive way to tell your story, announce company news, tout your recent accomplishments and even highlight loyal customers—all without the high-cost of printing, posting and mailing hard copy newsletters.

Because Enewsletters are less expensive to build and send, you can send more of them more often, and you should because each time you send out company news you give customers another opportunity to connect with your business.

Consider segmenting your Enewsltters to target to special interests. This way you are more likely to get a higher “open” and “response” rate form your recipients and those they may forward your e-mail on to.

Email newsletters are also relatively easy for your recipients to forward on to others, so you not only reach existing customers, but new prospects who, when reading about your company can also make a connection to what you do. For this reason, you should consider adding an option on your e-mailed newsletters that allows them to join your mailing list, that way they can immediately join your cache of regular customers.

Something you want to be sure you do is take advantage of features that allow you to optimize your reports function of any e-mail marketing campaign. This function allows you to schedule the delivery of your e-mails, which increases their effectiveness by targeting the time of day your recipient is most likely going to open your mail and respond to it.

You also need to know who’s reading your e-mail campaigns, right? So, in addition to targeting delivery times, you want to also make sure to utilize a feature that lets you track forwards of your e-mails and who has clicked on links in your Enewsletters, which makes it possible to customize future campaigns that specifically cater to the interests of your recipients and further maximizes your response rates.

It’s critical you know your budget for e-mail marketing campaigns and how those factor into your bottom line. The good news about e-mail campaigns is that they are generally much less expensive that printed and mailed marketing campaigns. You should not expect to have to pay a fortune each month for an effective e-mail marketing campaign. If you are paying more than $30 a month to send out eNewsletters or eBlasts, and you are limited on the number you’re being allowed to send, there’s a problem.

To know more about Email Marketing please browse Email Marketing

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