Blue strobe light is very useful
Blue LED lights help in stealth operations by aiding the user to read maps and charts at night without being detected by others. Blue light is also helpful in viewing blood and other fluids. Because of it, policemen use Blue LED lights to trace blood or body fluid marks at a crime scene during investigations, and rescue workers use it in search operations. This property of blue strobe light makes it a favorite of hunters also because they can locate animals with it by tracing blood trails.
Blue light can be intense without being harsh and so Blue LED lights are good as fog lights that need to pierce through the smoggy surroundings. Besides being widely used in police flashlights, blue light are used even as a tiny light in a keychain to help in the opening and closing of locks and searching of small things.
Blue LED lights do a very good job as decorative lights at party venues, and at theaters for stage lighting and outside lighting. It is good for home lighting requirements, for use in indicators and sensors in public places, and in communication technology. People use LED lights as Christmas lights and its soft glow lights up an aquarium also beautifully. Blue LED lights are also used in the treatment of burn injuries, wound healing, diabetic neuropathy, and some skin conditions.