Other Advantages of Owning Partnership Long Term Care Plans
Now is the a crucial time for those working individuals to think ahead and consider owning an LTC insurance policy for their future LTC needs. With big demands and curiosity over what an individual can really get from owning it, the government, together with some private insurance companies in the country, has created and implemented Partnership long term care plans.
This program was a result of the Deficit Reduction Act of (DRA) of 2005, which was signed into law on February 8, 2006. This provision affects many aspects of government programs including Medicaid and Medicare. Also, through this, the states are tasked to come up with a more affordable and cheaper LTC policy alternatives to cater to the financial capacities of the majority of the America citizens.
Although cheaper, these kinds of policies offer almost the same benefits and advantages as that of the other private LTC plans that were purchased from insurance companies. Partnership plans must also offer the three mandatory features that all LTC policies being sold in the country have. These are the minimum daily benefit amount, benefit coverage period, and inflation protection.
Of the three, the inflation protection is the most important because it can adjust a plan’s value according to the present costs of LTC services in the country. The inflation protection of these policies have certain levels that were determined based on the age of the policy owner at the time of his policy acquisition. The younger age he bought his LTC plan, the better chances of him getting higher levels f inflation protection.
Partnership long term care plans have even two more additional and unique policy features that would give more advantages to its policyholders and these are the reciprocity standards and the Dollar-for-Dollar asset protection feature.
The Dollar-for-Dollar asset protection lets the insured person to keep and protect a dollar or portion of his assets for every dollar that his partnership policy pays out in benefits. These protected assets will be disregarded by Medicaid should the policy owner decides to avail of its benefits in the future.
His disregarded assets may give him better chances of being qualified and avail of the benefits that Medicaid provides but it does not necessarily means that owning a Partnership plan gives the person automatic qualification for the benefits. He still has to meet the requirements and other standards set by Medicaid to be able to start receiving the benefits.
Reciprocity standards, on the other hand, allow the insured individual to change state or the location where he would receive his policy benefits. He would not be obliged to buy another partnership policy as long as the state where transferred to also participates in the reciprocity standards that were set by the participating states in the Partnership program of the government.
There are even more pertinent details and information regarding the Partnership long term care plans available in the Internet, specifically to the websites of some insurance companies that offer such policies, or an interested individual may contact his preferred insurance company or insurance agent to explain to him thoroughly and clearly all the other things that he needs to know regarding this.
Secure your family’s financial future by buying long term care plans. Get free long term care quotes from multiple providers at CompleteLongTermCare.com.