Keep Your Teeth Bright and White Easily
With the amount of money spent on marketing teeth whitening products it’s really surprising that many people don’t know how easy it can be to keep your teeth white.It’s no wonder that with all the advertisements for teeth whitening products that it’s a common belief that teeth can only be kept white by using these products but fortunately that isn’t the case.
It is possible to keep your teeth a healthy white colour by following some simple steps. Obviously the results will vary from person to person and this is down to genetics and things like that. Some people are just predisposed to getting yellow teeth but if you follow the simple steps in this article you will, at the very least, get your teeth shining bright white or as close to that as is possible without the need for the latest expensive tooth whitening product.
So the first step to achieving bright sparkling white teeth is brushing and this is super easy to do. Brush twice a day with a good toothbrush and toothpaste and remember to change your toothbrush every three months. Make sure your brushing technique is correct too to ensure your cleaning every surface of every tooth; for more information see your dental hygienist.
Second step is to avoid drinking dark drinks such as tea, coffee and cola as these contain tannins which stain your teeth with a dark yellow colour. Try substituting these kinds of drinks for those that don’t contain tannins such as water or lemonade.
Third step is to not smoke. I know this won’t be popular but if you smoke you’ve got yellow teeth and if you haven’t, you’re going to get them. Use this as another reason to quit the deadly weed and you won’t just get nicer teeth your overall health will improve greatly.
The next step is to ensure that you get enough sleep and the reason is that when you’re asleep your body heals and fixes all the stuff that needs fixing. If you’re sleep deprived and you always stay up late this will have a detrimental effect on your dental health and it won’t get better until this issue is addressed.
The final step is flossing and this step is uber important because bacteria can take hold below the gum line and this can cause nasty stuff to happen to your teeth like causing them to decay and fall out. Flossing will take care of this and ensure that no bacterium has a chance of causing any type of damage to your teeth. Flossing can cause a bit of bleeding at first but that soon stops once your dental health improves.
Having the correct toothbrush is important when trying to achieve sparkling white teeth. Please visit for more information on choosing the right brush and find out if the 30 Second Smile brush is what you’re looking for.