C_TEP10_701 study materials
“Cheney Brothers’ number one goal is to provide outstanding customer service, and our commitment to doing so has made us one of the fastest growing, respected and progressive food service distributors today,” said Joe Haber, chief information officer, Cheney Brothers, Inc. Our Exam1pass C_TEP10_701 exam future success depends on our ability to understand and anticipate our customers’ needs, so we looked for a solution that can help our business run more efficiently and let us continue our focus on providing exceptional service After evaluating several different options, we choose to partner with SAP because the company understood our business and offered the best solutions to support industry processes, including supplier integration, margin management and cost control.
With C_TEP10_701 SAP Business Suite software, Cheney Brothers plans to improve the alignment and efficiencies of its financial, human capital and operational processes. The enhanced enterprise productivity and insight it will gain from using the enterprise resource planning (ERP) application SAP? ERP will enable the company to adapt quickly and cost effectively to changing business, market and industry requirements.
In order to support this growth, we realized that we must solidify our infrastructure. We are making many changes within our organization to be ready for this growth, none more important than the ERP implementation. Through an extensive search, we chose SAP and et alia as our ‘solutions’ partner. et alia brought the right balance of flexibility and experience to achieve all of our strategic initiatives.