Some True Facts and Myths about Pink Diamonds
Pink diamonds are definitely considered one of the many luxurious and rarest diamonds. Yet diamonds have been found in frequent discolorations Pink is absolutely the rarest input in turn helps them a lot more benefits from a girl’s best friend
Pink diamond reflects the character of the inspired and imaginative person who wears a lucky. Rare and beautiful, stained pink diamond owned by celebrities and the rich. Persons of us who are not in that category can enjoy the gorgeousness of cheap copies that modern technology has produced. The artificial diamonds pink can look so real that it is difficult to detect even the professional jewelers. It requires specialized tools to resolve the legitimacy of natural pink diamond jewel.
The world supply of natural pink diamonds is being depleted, so the price will continue to go up. The Argyle diamond mine in Australia produces 90 percent of the world’s diamonds. Pink diamonds consist of only one tenth of one percent of them, and officials say that the supply will be tired in a few years. The value of a pink diamond is determined by the color, clarity and the absence of errors. The more intense the color, the diamond will be more expensive. The range of colors from a pale pink to crimson. It is estimated that over the centuries diamond was created, certain minerals are present, which contributed to the color.
What is Gemologists say about Pink Diamonds
Currently the Gemological Institute of America has categorized the fancy pink diamonds into five different primary color grades. The color classifications are pink, purplish pink, brownish pink, orange-ish pink and pink champagne.
Gemologists believe in pink shade is not created by one of the periodic table of elements. Gemologists argue that small abrasions along the diamonds multiple grains are responsible for reflecting the color pink.
Pink Diamond Ring setting
the best way to pink colored diamonds set in pink gold. Yes there is a metal known as pink gold. It is an alloy of copper, silver and gold.
This creates an alloy that has a pink tinge and gives your ring setting a softer look. Or those of you who are outgoing and want to show there is only one way to go and that is platinum. The contrast between pink and platinum is simply stunning. Now that you have all the facts, there’s no reason you should not melt your fiancée or wife by getting her a pink diamond ring.
Pink diamond set alone make a beautiful ornament, but the different shades of pink also inspire the combination of pink diamonds with white, champagne diamonds or other colored diamonds. A combination of pink diamonds and precious stones will be a special and unique enrichment. There are many beautiful shape colored diamonds such as round, emerald, princess, oval, pear and other available in loose pink diamonds.