A few weeks ago Blizzard hosted a Q&A session

A few weeks ago Blizzard hosted a Q&A session regarding World of Warcraft’s upcoming expansion, Play warcraft of course need to buy the wow items,Mists of Pandaria. Today, the second of these Q&A’s took place via CoverItLive

Community Managers Bashiok and Zarhym presided over the session, with input from class designers Celestalon, Koraa, Watcher, Wradyx, Xelnath and everyone’s favorite spirit beast, Ghostcrawler.

Each WoW class was discussed to some degree, where to go to buy wow gold will be better and  cheaper?with class homogenization also mentioned. Questions about the new talent system, healer mana management, glyphs and PvP all found their way into the discussion as well.

There was far too much discussed to even attempt to sum up, but More than is world of warcraft, and Star Wars the old republic, want to play? Just use this swtor credits . you can read the entire transcript below and visit the official site to view comments and reactions.

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