What Exactly Is Termite Tenting?

Termites can cause lots of damage over time; lots of people may not have any idea their residence is beset with termites, and others learn about infestations once damage takes place, or when they have inspections done prior to when selling their home. Getting rid of termites is difficult because termites inhabit the enclosed as well as concealed spots of the home. A tested way of removing termites is referred to as termite tenting.

Termite tenting is technique of fumigating your home. Fumigation wholly fills a space by way of a gas that is made up of bug killers that destroys unwanted insects like termites by poisoning them. Since fumigation fills a region, it really is considered to be a full-structure treatment, so your entire house gets treated with only one termite tenting process.

The gas utilized for termite tenting is damaging to people, pets like cats, dogs, and fish, as well as is harmful to household plants. To be sure the fumigation gas treats your house, fumigators block off the house within a large tarpaulin, or sheet of plastic material, to ensure the gas stays inside.

The process of termite tenting takes about 48 hours – during around 20 from the 48 hours, the house shall be sealed beneath the termite tent to permit the fumigant to circulate as well as get into the wall structure and wood within your house to kill all of the termites. The rest of time is spent in creating the termite tent, setting up your home, as well as extracting gas after treatment, inspections, and certification that your home is safe to re-enter.

Before termite tenting, the homeowner must remove all living things from the home including any fish tanks as well as fish. Plants must in addition be removed. Foodstuff not in cans need to be sealed in special bags that the fumigator normally has on hand, yet it is recommended to remove as much food as possible. In case your house has a natural gas supply, it gets switched off, yet the electricity in your house remains on throughout the process.

The gas that’s used in termite tenting is odourless and colourless (Sulfuryl Fluoride or Methyl Bromide are usually utilized) and it does not leave any residue behind. The gas is always active, as a result it gets removed using fans as well as other techniques in the end of the termite tenting process. Fumigators use special equipment to evaluate your home for any remnants of the gas put to use during termite tenting.

Termite tenting is a treatment that gets rid of your present termite infestation; as a result, this doesn’t behave as a precautionary treatment. As soon as the termite tenting process is finished that you’re still required to take preventative measures to make sure that that termites will not re-enter your household.

Termites can be a big problem if not dealt with, yet termites are actually manageable with termite tenting. This post described the termite tenting process to help you have a much better understanding of termite tenting.

Learn about termite tenting at TermiteTenting.org.

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