How to Import Low Quality Loss Videos from Canon FS Camcorder

Holding a Canon FS-10 camcorder you’ve shot wonderful scenes that worth forever preservation. When it comes to import them to computer, you may somewhat get headache about the unavoidable quality loss.

And sometimes you may want to do some modify after transfer those videos to computers, it seems trouble to import/convert them with a converter and then open up the files in another video editor. In such case, you need a powerful camcorder video editing program which identifies your camcorder videos and edit them in original format with ease. That is ArcSoft ShowBiz.

Canon FS camcorders store video files as .mod or .mts format with MPEG-2 compression. Don’t copy them directly to your computer; you need a proper video editing application ArcSoft ShowBiz and IEEE1394 card, while the latter is a widely embedded hardware on computers nowadays.

Tips: Canon FS series shoot standard-definition videos in .mod and high-definition ones in .mts with MPEG-2 compression. Canon FS100, FS10, FS11, FS200, FS21, and FS22 save as .mod format.

There’re many factors that result in quality loss during importing process. Generally speaking, camcorders like Canon FS save videos in different format from that of on computer or other media devices. They have dissimilar coding methods, and need a converting like compression or decompression when transfer videos between.

Thus, more or less, you’ll lose video quality to import videos from Canon FS camcorders or any other camcorder. To avoid the loss as possible as you can, try the following solution.

Step 1: Connect Canon FS Camcorder to Computer

For usual house video use, IEEE 1394 card is capable enough to capture videos. You can easily find a 1394 port on your desktop, laptop, etc, if you bought it in recent years. Use 1934 line to connect the Canon FS.

Tips: Compared with professional video capture card, 1394(firewire) import still performs a little mediocre. If you’re a video fever and affordable for the card, go and buy one.

Step 2: Edit Canon FS Videos Directly in ShowBiz

As mentioned above, ShowBiz is necessary if you want to edit Canon FS camcorder videos on computer in high quality.. Because it’s a non-linear editor and supports many popular video formats in camcorder, such as .mod, .mts, .m2ts, AVCHD. You don’t need to download a convertor before editing, sharing videos with computer. And its powerful multi-media processing tech guarantees you high quality video output.

Step 3: Enhance Canon FS Videos with ShowBiz

When you check the Canon FS camcorder video work, you find some frames a little blurry? Maybe your hands shook when taking the shots. ShowBiz enables you to adjust videos and bring them into better. Use “Advanced Editing” to anti shake, de noise, and enhance image/sound.

This article offers you a solution to import camcorder video to computer with least quality loss. For more Informations Please visit our canon fs video importing website.

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