Delhi University comes out with exam writing rules for disabled
Bring out writing guidelines of Delhi University Examination for disabled students, putting the dependability on the varsity to convene expenditure acquired by whose student’s in hiring scribes, understand or any other type of help.
In addition, detailed guidelines for such assistance are given to students with disabilities.
“This makes the Delhi University one of the few institutions in the country to bring up all these guidelines will be introduced at university level and students do not need start-to-one place to another as regards the aid revision” said Vipin Tiwari Deputy Dean of students at the University of prosperity, – payment to worry about the special needs of students with disabilities.
Former students were mostly left to themselves when it comes to finding the scribes and interpreters and other resources to support and pay for it. The new policy will be the responsibility of the university to provide them, Tiwari said.
The policy also mandates schools with necessary assistance from the cell at the University of equal opportunities, to create a bank of the scribes, whose services to students with visual impairments can use.
The policy was notified on Wednesday, students with permanent disabilities are allowed additional time equal to one third of the length of the review to answer questions. It also provides detailed guidance on the qualifications of the scribes.
Scribes should preferably be a low level of education that the respondent, and those of higher education are permitted provided that their subjects are not the same as for the exam, the student will be shown to what he says.
The University has established as 250 rupees a day payment for writers and artists to offer its students.