April 8, 2010, subject to entrust the Office of Shandong Province, Jinan City, hosted by the Science and Technology Bureau of Jinan Caramel Vision Technology Co., Ltd. developed “bottle-line visual inspection system” project appraisal meeting.
“Glass-line visual inspection system” is in Shandong Province in March 2008 issued by the technological development projects and science and technology projects in Jinan. Caramel Vision Technology Company Ltd. Jinan absorption abroad in machine vision inspection of De latest study results and combining the characteristics of glass-line test, Jingguoxiangmu discussion group members and the joint efforts of Danwei and users to develop a functional Wan Zheng Yi Tao, Xingnengxianjin to test effects of a good glass-line visual inspection system. Successful completion of the project contract established content and breakthrough results.
By the universities, industry and business appraisal committee composed of technical experts, listened carefully to the project task force report on the work developed, technical summary report, reviewed the project’s technical documentation and related information, watch a live demonstration prototype by question , reply and discussion, expert opinions form the following:
1, identification information is complete complete and reliable data to meet identification requirements; 2 new structure of the system, using original bottle within the test shots, the bottle test and to identify specific source code and character-mode glass bottom special lens to bottle mouth, micro-cracks and the bottle mouth inspection requirements, and just below the bottom can be read correctly in the bottom mold around the code; the same time, fast image processing, high-frequency filter and the geometric pattern recognition algorithms improve the speed of image processing software to meet user requirements;
3, which has won a number of patent applications and technology with independent intellectual property rights;
4, the system adopted in Jinan City, the detection of product quality supervision and inspection, the inspection program compliance, to project plan requirements;
5, the system used by the user, stable quality, safe and reliable, have good prospects for economic and social benefits.
In summary, the assessment by the appraisal committee, agreed that the project reached the international advanced level. Also recommended: to further improve the system function, promote the use of in the industry as soon as possible.
“Glass-line visual inspection system” is the glass-line non-contact visual inspection, testing machine, including bottle, bottle testing, bottom detection and identification of model code, product quality requirements of the user can select the specific detection function, the part of both independent of each other, they can freely mix and match production needs.
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