Review of the 60 Minute Loan Modification Kit

Loan modification is a great way to solve your mortgage payment issues and avoid unwanted foreclosure on your properties. It is not something that is reserved for the rich and you don’t need an expensive loan modification consultant to get started.

All that is required is personal motivation to change your situation and a copy of 60 Minute Loan Modification by Mike Rockwell.

Mike is a California resident who was hit hard in the recent real estate slump. Owing more on his house and various real estate investments than they were worth he had to find a way out, and loan modification was that way.

Through the use of his system he has modified the loans on all five of his properties ( with some interest rates as low as %1 ), and has gone on to teach hundreds of normal everyday people how to do the same with his book and coaching programs.

The book contains tons of great information on quickly getting almost any type of loan modified including negative amortization loans, ARMS, fixed rate loans, mortgages, and loans on real estate holdings such as rental, investment and vacation properties.

t is not simply a referral to a large loan modification company, Mike teaches you how to submit your own modification requests to banks and lenders, and in 60 minutes or less as the books title aptly states.

You’ll need to meet some basic qualifications which Mike outlines at the start of his guide, these are fairly straightforward. You must have a real hardship such as a loss of income, you should have a debt-to-income ratio of 31-50% although Mike has helped clients get accepted with as high as 79%.

The loan you would like to modify must be 9-12 months old at minimum, and you must have a reliable source of income that will allow you to make your modified payments. People meeting these requirements are being helped by Mikes work every day and getting their lives back.

The process outlined in 60 Minute Loan Modification is simple. It all boils down to sending a letter to your bank politely asking them to modify your loan, that’s it. Mikes insider knowledge will speed the process up significantly, but ultimately it’s you who will be talking with the bank.

Do not fall for sketchy loan modification firms, this process is actually best done by yourself with guidance from a professional such as Mike. Writing your own request will dramatically improve your chances over what a firm could offer you, and be orders of magnitude cheaper.

To top everything off, Mike supports all those who buy his book looking for help with free unlimited email support. You are not just handed the materials and left alone ( although with all of the information packed in the book, chances are you won’t need anything else ) Mike supports his clients every step of the way.

If you follow the steps outlined and take advantage of all of the great support opportunities provided you’ll be getting a call from your lender with a modification offer in no time flat.

The bottom line is, if you’ve even been pondering modifying any of your existing loans you need to pick up a copy of 60 Minute Loan Modification today. Mike Rockwell is not only an expert in the field, but came from the situation you’re probably finding yourself in while reading this.

He knows where you’re at and how to get you to where he is. So grab a copy of the book, follow the steps, shoot Mike an email or two, and take back your financial life today.

For more information about loan modification program visit

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