Higher Education sector desires more flexible guideline
According to Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the higher education division needs more flexible regulation to increase values.
Ahluwalia said, speaking at the FICCI Higher Education meeting, “The challenge before planners, educationist and policymakers, both in a public and private division, is of creating world-class Indian universities that could be in the top 150 rating list. In the next 20 Years we have to see a considerable Educational Institutions in that category.”
For higher education, the 12th plan is development, equality of access and excellence. The aim is to increase gross enrollment ration from present time of 15% to 30% over next 15 years.
“This would not occur unless the governments pull out the limitation on employment of international faculty.”
According to Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the higher education division needs more flexible regulation to increase values.
Ahluwalia said, speaking at the FICCI Higher Education meeting, “The challenge before planners, educationist and policymakers, both in a public and private division, is of creating world-class Indian universities that could be in the top 150 rating list. In the next 20 Years we have to see a considerable Educational Institutions in that category.”
Source: http://www.admissioncorner.com