Tens Machines – transcutaneous electrical nerve muscle stimulation
It seems that some people have a few doubts about tens machines and how they work. The transcutaneous electrical nerve muscle stimulation machine is a device that was developed in an attempt to address pain problems around the body. Electrical impulses are fired into the skin by several electrode pads. Each one emits the impulses at a either an ultra high or very low frequency. The idea is to block off the pain signals sent by the body when the pads are emitting a high frequency, and it also simulates pain to force the body to releases endorphins – the body’s natural pain killer.
If you are already familiar with the benefits of using one of the machines and all you need to do is order one online and have it delivered. Tens Machines – transcutaneous electrical nerve muscle stimulation must be one of the longest names they could have thought of for these devices, but the bottom line is that they are an effective, non-medicinal pain prevention measure that helps treats the body for pain symptoms in the body. One of the more common applications is during child birth. The electrodes are placed on the lower back to be used as a mild form of anaesthesia. The pain signals in the lower abdomen and waist area cannot travel up to the brain, and so they are not fully perceived. The endorphins produced by the device also calms and reduces pain in the patient. The main benefit this has over an epidural for example, is that even though you don’t feel much from the waist down, you still have complete control over your body in that region. The only time you can’t use it during childbirth is when the baby has to be monitored for any reason. Electrical devices interfere with the measurement of heart rates and distort imaging systems if they need to take a peek on the inside of the womb. The fact that it is an electrical device means that you can’t go anywhere near water. So a bath to relieve the pain is out the question, and you certainly won’t be able to use it during a water birth either.
The device is also portable and light, so it doesn’t matter where you need to go. Whether you are feeling back ache on your way to the shops or you are in labour at the hospital you can simply bring the device with you. Once the pads are attached you rest easy with the pain relief that you need to have a comfortable pregnancy from beginning to end.
Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like transcutaneous electrical nerve muscle stimulation. He shares useful information regarding abs workout Australia and other fitness program.