You and your spouse will have a fun time putting

Spice up Your Wedding with Funny Wedding Vows

The greatest thing about funny wedding vows is that they have no boundaries. Funny vows give a bride and groom immense freedom to play with words.

Unless you’re sure you want them, don’t put together funny vows for your wedding. Couples should only add humor to their wedding if they feel it suits them. There’s nothing wrong with conducting a serious ceremony and there’s certainly nothing wrong with spicing up the ceremony with a little laughter.

Vows can be entertaining to the couple and the audience. Now, if you want to add them to your ceremony you don’t have to stand up and tell jokesĀ  Bonny 044. Your whole ceremony doesn’t have to be funny. You can just add a funny quip here and there.

You might want to add an extra, funny line to the list of promises. During a wedding ceremony couples usually say, “I promise to honor so and so.” When you’re finished exchanging these serious promises, add a funny one, such as “I promise to give so and so a back rub at least twice a week.” You should run this idea by your spouse before you settle on your vows. It’s fun when both couples have a funny promise to add.

You can also put your vows together in such a way that they rhyme. Many of your guests, even your younger ones will find this entertaining and creative. You and your spouse will have a fun time putting together vows that rhyme.

Use your discretion when you create your humorous vows. You know how far you can go without going over the line. You also know what kind of audience you’ll have before you. Remember that you can add funny things to your wedding toast as well. You don’t have to cram it all into the vows. For some couples, it might be more appropriate to wait until the reception to be funny. The bride and groom can stand up and talk about how they met, adding interesting little tidbits and humorous antidotes.

Don’t shy away from funny wedding vows. They can add a little humor to a tradition that can be stuffy.

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