Still Need To Enhance The Technical Content Of Machinery Industry

Last year, China’s machinery industry doing well. Despite the impact of the international financial crisis, but the mechanical industrial added value last year, an increase of 13.8%, compared with 11.0% of the country’s industrial growth rate higher than 2.8 percentage points.

However, should not be overlooked is that a little worry in the current development of machine-building industry, surviving in a number of outstanding problems that need urgent solution.

Wang Ruixiang, president of China Machinery Industry Federation, said from industry self-development situation, the most prominent problem is the structural adjustment to be advancing. Although China’s machinery industry has developed rapidly, but most products still popular goods with the international advanced level compared with many gaps still exist.

“Last year China’s power generation equipment, metal rolling mill, metallurgical equipment, and other key product demand growth has noticeably declined, this is a worthwhile warning signal that is difficult to rely on machine-building industry has been rapid growth in demand for traditional products to support their own development.” Said Wang Ruixiang , “in the future we must accelerate the pace of adjustment and upgrade industrial structure, improving product technology content and added value, expand the industry room to grow.” machine-building industry there is another structural problem is the foundation is not strong. China Machinery Industry Federation executive vice president, said Cai Wei-ci, large castings and forgings, basic parts and components, processing aids and special raw materials is still the soft underbelly of China’s machinery industry. To wind power equipment, for example, although our assembly capacity has been a surplus, but the bearings and other key components are still not fully self-produced.

Cai Wei-Chi said that although last year we issued the “equipment manufacturing restructuring and revitalization of planning” proposed to “lay a solid foundation,” but the progress is very slow. This was due to be practical and effective introduction of practical measures to support the other hand, the original integrity of the machinery industry R & D system has ceased to exist, and now the lack of a strong common basic technology platform to support innovation.

In the industrial development environment, China’s high-end equipment, localization of the environment is not satisfactory. Wang Ruixiang said that it discriminated against domestic equipment bidding is still not uncommon phenomenon of domestic equipment. Some users forcing the localization of the host must use the designated imported parts and materials, or equipment purchase domestic equipment wantonly against lower prices, or the hype in the process of localization of twists and turns and problems, and even higher than the international standard of similar products The unrealistic demands to increase the localization more difficult. If there are no orders, and equipment manufacturing companies it is difficult to carry out certain aspects of the research and development.

Severe export situation is the current important issues facing the machine-building industry. Total exports of machinery industry in 2009 earned 195.8 billion U.S. dollars, down 19.25 percent over the previous year, import and export a surplus of 47.669 billion U.S. dollars from the previous year significantly dropped to 14.9 billion U.S. dollars, highlights the weakness of China’s international competitiveness is not strong.

China Machinery Industry Federation executive vice president of LU Ren-chi said that although the global economy pick up signs of improvement, but the economic recession will not end in the short term, we are developing the emerging market demand is limited, I am very wary of some developing countries will often initiated anti-dumping lawsuits. Even a few years later the economy pick up, exports will rise, but also impossible to restore a continuous export of machinery products increased over the past decade glory.

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