The Benefits Of Resistance Training That No One Should Ignore
As many health experts say, resistance training is a great way to complement your overall fitness program. By implementing strength training machines, or actually no equipment at all, you can create your very own resistance training program. Everyone, male or female, from teens to seniors can gain many benefits from resistance training. Once you understand why you should do resistance training, you will never understand why you did not do it before.
Exercising can be very time-consuming which is why resistance training will be very interesting to those that lack the time to do exercise regularly. They may have heard about bodybuilders or weight lifters who spend half their lives in the gym. The beauty of resistance training is that you can gain most of the advantages that this exercise offers only working out a few times a week. In order to rest the different muscle groups, it is recommended that you only work out 2 to 4 times a week with a day of rest in between. You can, therefore, do four shorter sessions or two or three longer ones and get similar benefits. So even if you only can spare two hours per week, you can start to get stronger, burn fat and improve your appearance.
You must combine as many elements as possible into your fitness program to get maximum benefits. The key is to focus on resistance training, aerobic exercise, and dieting at the same time. Resistance exercise, combined with aerobic activity, can create a perfect exercise routine that can build muscle and help you lose weight. Make sure that you stay away from junk foods, including foods with high fatty content, if you want to lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time.
The fear of gaining too much weight because of sheer muscle mass is why many women will not do a weight training program. Building muscle mass using heavyweights and supplements is something you should stay away from if you want to maintain your current weight. The best thing you can do to get in shape and not build mass is to do multiple repetitions with lighter weights. Women are now urged to do resistance training for stronger bones, something that’s especially important for post-menopausal women. Osteoporosis can begin around middle age, thus lifting weights should be done at the same time to offset this disease.
What you have just read is merely a summary of many of the positive components of doing resistance exercise. By locating a personal trainer, you can start slowly and begin to advance in your resistance training. Be sure that your exercise routine, whether you are lifting weights freely or using a machine, is initially easy to do. When the exercises are done correctly, however, you can gain many benefits from a resistance training program.