UNS Fine Crafts: expressions of splendour

Meanwhile, in Spain, between 756 to 1031AD Al-Andalus grew; enriched by the combination of Muslims, Christians and Jews and a vibrant era ensued, greatly contributing to current day artistic skill and the design of our unique Islamic prayer beads (misbaha) and Islamic jewellery . It is at this time that great monuments such as Alhambra were constructed using new developments in architecture: painted ceilings, columns, stilted arches and new floral motifs. An attempt at mimicking the splendid beauty of paradise it self, Alhambra is a perfectly harmonious construct of gardens, fountains, pools, palaces and a mosque. These vivid elements of tranquilly are present in the Islamic jewellery and Muslims prayer beads of UNS Fine crafts, specifically in the Wenga and African Blackwood Tulip design misbaha or tabseeh.

The Spanish Umayyad tradition of using carved ivory for its durability and subtle elegance in ornamentation can be found in UNS’ camel and vegetable ivory Islamic prayer beads of the Companion and Maghrib traveller misbahas. Other artistic advancements such as metalwork, is unmatched in UNS’ Islamic jewellery, specifically, the unique arrangement of the ‘Floral Elipse’ pendant. One can almost close their eyes and imagine reclining in these gardens,whilst using their Islamic prayer beads or misbaha to do tasbeeh and smelling the scent of Jasmine and Agarwood or oud from UNS’ Islamic jewelry and fragrance lines.

Meanwhile, the Abbassid dynasty in Baghdad began to decline and was soon ousted out of power by the Fatimid Dynasty (909-1171AD) in Cairo, Egypt. By controlling the trade around the Mediterranean, the city became a rich and luxurious cultural centre.The Abassid’s geometric designs,like the ‘Sandal‘ in UNS’ Islamic jewelry collection, were soon replaced by a more informal naturalism in the Fatimid lusterware.

A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is “fundamental” if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive them of what they are entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee, nor could a reasonable person under the same circumstances have foreseen such a result.

Later, Salah ad-Din al Ayyubi, the well known Saladin, defeated the last Fatimid rule r and established the Ayyubid Dynasty. A powerful set of rulers followed with great gains; when Saladin regained Jerusalem, expanded into Yemen, Syria and defeated the Crusaders, and many losses; the breakdown of the empire into separate territories after the death of Saladin, and the eventual loss of Egypt to the Mamluks in 1215AD. However, its legacy continues today; a beautiful blend of traditional and contemporary design in Islamic Jewelry and the elegantly sculptured shapes on the Muslim prayer beads (tasbeeh) by UNS Fine Crafts.

For More Information on islamic jewellery and islamic jewelry Visit Our website.

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