Cheap Website Hosting – About Pricing

If you haven’t done any research on cheap website hosting services you may be wondering exactly how cheap the services actually are. When you compare prices of the cheaper hosting services and the ones considered “full-price” there can be quite a bit of difference. In some cases, such as Yahoo or GoDaddy, you will not find a huge difference. Although both of these services are higher than the ones you would consider cheap, there can be as much as a ten to fifteen dollar difference per month. Although this might not seem to be a huge savings, over the year it can add-up to well over one hundred dollars.
When you compare cheap website hosting to other full-price services you can see a huge difference. It would be very difficult to arrive at an average hosting fee. There are too many variances, too many different plans to be able to arrive at an average. To give you some feel for the difference, you might be interested to know you are able to obtain cheap hosting service for as little as five dollars monthly. This will of course vary somewhat depending upon the provider and the plan you choose.

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