The HR function and change management
An organisation’s HR function, whether in-house or outsourced, has a significant role to play in effective change management. Companies which understand the importance of involving Human Resources when managing change are more likely to transition through change successfully. HR consultants Employee Management Limited ( are acutely aware of the importance of HR’s role in the change management process and have vast skill and experience in providing the following change management services on behalf of employers:
- Liaising with key members of the team who will be affected by aspects of the change to ensure HR’s involvement in the process from the outset.
- Assessing any skill gaps and training needs in respect of the team leaders/management involved when it comes to change management and the issues that surround it, and providing advice and training where needed.
- Defining the short-term goals of the project which will bring about change alongside the strategy over the long-term.
- Considering the impact of change in a certain department/team/section of the company upon the rest of the organisation, something that we, as HR specialists, are well placed to do.
- Identifying the change management/negotiation skills of the stakeholders, as well as any general concerns they may have about the process.
- Ensuring the right medium of communication for all levels within the process and helping to deliver a consistent message at all times.
- Overall assistance with change, performance management and motivation.
- Having the ability to administer and possibly manage any restructure or redundancy which arises from the change process.
Employee Management Limited (EML) and it’s team of skilled Human Resource consultants can help companies with all of these factors to ensure effective and successful change management. EML will design the best approach for the particular process of change within the organisation, meeting with individual stakeholders to assess their views. Recommendations for action will be made, including advising on relevant employment legislation. EML can also act as mediators, helping to facilitate the communication of proposed changes with a view to obtaining the support of affected employees in order to ensure the effective implementation of new regimes.
For further information on the full range of services offered by EML, visit