NEBOSH National Diploma in Health and Safety Training

NEBOSH stands for the National Examination board in occupational safety and health. It is UK based examination board which delivers the vocational qualification in health, safety and environmental practice. The professional who has been qualified with the examination is awarded the NEBOSH  diploma.

The NEBOSH came in existence in late 70’s; it offers a wide range of qualifications. NEBOSH is a board which designs a curriculum and sets the method of assessment. Courses are delivered by NEBOSH Accredited Course Providers there are so many course providers available. Those course providers’ help in qualifying exams they provide well organized and well equipped classrooms for the students. The course providers are also offering the eLearning process for getting the training. There are almost 400 course providers in 33 countries of the world. Generally NEBOSH  certificate examinations fee is £350 that includes registration and sitting fee for NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety program.

The NEBOSH are providing different diplomas like National General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health, International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate, International Technical Oil, Environmental diploma & Gas Certificate and many more.

NEBOSH qualification exam is recognized by professional membership bodies like IOSH (institution of occupational safety and health) and IEMA (Institute of Environmental management and assessment). It helps the student to take their career further in the same field. The course would meet the requirements to apply for MIIRSM (membership of International Institute of Risk and Safety Management). This is the first step for becoming a Chartered member of IOSH. The diploma holders would use the letters DipNEBOSH in front of their name.

The enrolment for the qualification exam is easy. All the modules are convenient for any of the industries, as it basically focuses on the understanding of policies.

Core Units:

Managing health and safety,
Workplace and work equipment safety
Hazardous agents in the workplace
Application of health and safety theory and practice

The assessment process of are different for different units like for Managing health and safety training , Workplace and work equipment safety and Hazardous agents in the workplace there is a one three hour written exams are given. The copies are marked by the external examiner who is appointed by NEBOSH.

And for the Application of health and safety theory and practice the assessment is done by giving a written assignment of around 8,000 words. Today around 180000 people of the world hold a NEBOSH qualification.  It covers many sectors such as construction, and specialist area subjects such as fire hazards.  The course has been designed to provide students with the expertise required for career as practitioners.

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