New Season of Dexter

It’s time to be thankful, Dexter fans, and not just because it’s Thanksgiving week. After some tense negotiations (at least, for fans), Michael C. Hall has signed on for two more years of the Showtime serial killer show. Like the first six seasons, seasons 7 and 8 will consist of 12 seasons each. The downside: they will, according to Showtime prez David Nevins, “likely” be the show’s swan song. As a fan, it will be sad to see the show go, but eight years is a great run, and I’d be intrigued to see how the writers choose to close out Dex’s killing spree.Or will he continue his justified homicides into the sunset? Or maybe he’ll turn over a new leaf and become a preist or a meter maid? Regardless of how it ends, few shows can maintain such high quality for eight seasons, and there have been some rumblings from fans over the quality of the past season or two (Some didn’t like Season 5; I personally did, but I don’t care for the current Season 6.), so it might be good to quit before a steady decline begins in earnest.

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