Cooling Down without AC

When your AC Repair San Antonio contractor tells you that you AC needs to be changed out due to faulty wiring or damage to the system, it can be hard to imagine living for even a couple of days without AC. San Antonio tends to be incredibly hot in the summer time, and you may find yourself suffering due to your lack of AC. There are a number of ways that you can cool down without an AC, but it is essential that you get the cooling unit replaced as quickly as possible to ensure that you don’t suffer too much in the powerful heat of the San Antonio summer.

One of the best ways to cool down without your AC is by adding water to the mixture. Pouring some water on your head can help reduce the heat that feels like it’s cooking your brain. You can soak your T-shirt and swimming trunks in water, and thus help to cool your entire body. You can tie in icepack on your head to cool it down, or you can wear a bandanna that has been soaked in ice water. Keep your hair up as much as possible, as that will ensure that it won’t cause your neck to suffer from too much heat and sweat.

If you are enjoying a weekend with no heat, you can always set up an activity outside. One of the best ways to cool down is to soak your T-shirt, sit out on your yard in a lawn chair, and run a fan pointed directly at you. By re-wetting your T-shirt as it dries, you can ensure that you can always feel comfortable as the heat is protected from overheating your body by the wet shirt and fan. You can even sit in your bathtub in a cool or warm bath, though you may find that your fingers and toes have shriveled up after a few hours.

The most effective way to deal with the heat is simply to sweat. While it may not be as attractive or as pleasant, it will help your body to perspire and thus release some of its heat. When you sweat, you will find that any breeze or fan blowing in your path will be much cooler and more pleasant. You can try eating spicy food, as it will help your body to perspire and the fire in your mouth may take your mind off the heat around you.

Remove as much of your clothing as possible in order to cool down properly. While you may not find running around buck naked to be the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon, you can have fun in your swimming trunks or bikini. The less clothing you have on your body, the less chance there is that heat will be trapped next to your skin. If you must wear clothing, use cotton and other light fabrics that breathe and will thus allow the heat to escape. Loose clothing allows the breeze to get at your skin and cool it down, and you may find that a white cotton T-shirt is more cooling than simply running around in your skin.

Any of the surfaces in your house that are fuzzy will cause you to sweat a lot, as these surfaces are made to keep the warmth trapped against your body. You will find that you will soak your couch or bed if you don’t cover the fuzzy material with a cotton sheet. The same is true for leather, which is designed to trap the heat as close to your body as possible. Before you sit down on your leather couch, try to find a lawn chair or pool chair that will be much more relaxing and cooling.

Get into your basement if you have one, and stay on the ground level of your home as much as possible. Seeing as warm air rises, you are much more likely to overheat if you are up on the second floor where the warm air is trapped by your roof. The basement will usually be cooler than your kitchen, and you may find that spending a day cleaning your basement can be a great way to do something in a cool, dark place where the heat cannot penetrate. Setting up a few fans in your basement can circulate the cool air and thus help you stay even cooler. You can even set up an entertainment center in your basement, and thus spend the day hiding from the heat.

About The Author: Patrica H. Hugley has written this article.

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