Disciple Now Resources – Whose Are Best?
As you look for Disciple Now resources you will quickly realize that you have a lot of options to choose from. Knowing that a question will quickly pop into you mind. That question is, “Whose resources are the best?” This question is understandable but is difficult to answer. In fact the only way I know how to answer that is by saying that this is the wrong question to ask altogether. Instead of asking whose resources are the best, you should actually be asking, “Whose resources are best for you?”
There are several reasons for this but I will only share a couple of them with you here. The main reason is that the first question is a very relative one. There is no way to measure for sure what the correct answer to it is. And if you asked 10 people this question you could very well get ten different answers. This because a lot of this boils down to personal preference and needs not so much quality. Which brings me to the other reason the second question is better than the first. You have specific preferences, a unique ministry, and unique students with specific needs. You need to choose the Disciple Now resources that are best for the situation that you find yourself in not what was best for someone else.
Having gotten that out of the way I will give you a little bit of help in answering the second question. You first of all need to think about your needs and what they are. Then from there you want to try to look for who has the resources to match those needs. Next you want to make sure050-707 that a company’s resources are biblically based. Not all companies are this way so you want to be careful here. Finally, a lot of this also boils down to affordability. The first two stipulations are very important but this can be a great tiebreaker. Because after all none of us has unlimited money to spend and the money we have in our budgets is usually given to us by someone else. Therefore we must be good stewards of what we have been given and purchase resources that are a good value.
If you have asked yourself, “Whose resources are the best?” I do not blame you nor do I hold it against you. You are definitely not alone. But now I hope that you see that there is a much better question you should be asking, “Whose resources are best for you?” Be strong and stick to this question. Do not fall into the trap of going with what is popular or following traditions. Think about your needs, make sure the companies you look at are biblically based, and keep your budget in mind. You can still get input from others but let these things guide you in making your050-649 final decision and not only will you seldom go wrong but you will also find great satisfaction in the Disciple Now resources you choose.