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one of which is diminution in the force of the heart after copious hemorrhage, NFL Jerseys Authentic , NFL Jerseys Youth prevent the escape of all the blood from the body, even after division of the largest arteries; but after the arrest of the vital functions which follows copious discharges of this fluid, life may be restored by the injection into the vessels of the same blood, or the fresh blood of another animal of the same species. This observation, which was first made on the inferior animals, has been applied to the human subject; and it has been ascertained that in patients sinking under hemorrhage, the introduction of even a few ounces of fresh blood will restore the vital forces for a time, NFL Jerseys Cheap , NFL Jerseys Sale and sometimes permanently. The operation of transfusion, which consists in the introduction of the blood of one individual into the vessels of another, was performed upon animals in the middle of the seventeenth century, and was soon after attempted in the human subject. So great was the enthusiasm with which some regarded tjhese experiments, that it was even thought possible to effect a renewal of youth by the introduction of young blood into the veins of old persons; and it was also proposed to cure certain diseases, such as insanity, by an actual renewal of the circulating fluid. GHD Straighteners , GHD Hair Straightener These ideas were not without apparent foundation. It was stated in 1667, that a dog, old and deaf, had his hearing improved and was apparently rejuvenated by transfusion of blood from a young animal. A year later Denys and Emmerets published the case of a maniac who was restored to health by the transfusion of eight ounces of blood from a calf; and another case was reported of a man who was cured of leprosy by the same means. But a reaction followed. The case of insanity, which was apparently cured, suffered a relapse, and the patient died during a second operation of transfusion.1 It is almost unnecessary to say that these extravagant expectations were not realized. Cheap GHD Hair Straighteners , NFL Jerseys Wholesale In fact some operations were followed by such disastrous consequences, that the practice was forbidden by law in Paris in 1668, and soon fell into disuse. 1BERNARD, Leeora sur les Liquides de V Organtime, tome i., p. 44. Transfusion, with more reasonable applications, was revived in the early part of this century (1818) by Blundell, who, with others, demonstrated its occasional efficacy in desperate hemorrhage, and in the last stages of some diseases, GHD Flat Iron