We Are Our Only Source Of Financial Security!
For very long, many people have pinned their hopes on others for financial security. One clear example would be the entitlement mentality where many simply depend on the government to get what they want without working hard for it.
To me, this is simply getting benefits from another’s labor and in most cases, this won’t last long as such high expenses will have to be passed on to people via higher taxes. To break out from this trap, we ought to embrace financial freedom and to do this, you must know the very fact that you are your own source of financial security.
Here, embracing financial freedom does not mean you do everything yourself and pit against all odds without protection. Instead, financial freedom requires responsibility and wise stewardship. While this 2 aspects may seem simple on words, they are usually hard to achieve as people tend to misunderstand self-sufficiency and self-reliance, causing them to approach financial freedom the wrong way.
To clear out the smoke screen, I believe that we need to know both terms better. To make things clearer, self-sufficiency basically means doing all work yourself without cooperating with, giving value to and receiving value from others. In contrast, self-reliance means being accountable for yourself while providing value to and accepting it from others.
This is important because many tend to pursue financial TB0-113freedom with a self-sufficient approach and as a result end up facing many problems. Instead of self-sufficiency, we should actually be self-reliant as it allows to leverage the talents of others and fuse with our own, allowing everyone to win and grow together.
Next, in our pursuit of financial freedom, we ought to be responsible. Here, it implies that we have to be interdependent, where one develops human life value and exchanges that value with others to meet life’s challenges. Such exchange of values allow people to maximize their strengths while using the talents of others to cover our weaknesses, resulting in a win-win situation.
Hence, in conclusion, after covering so much, I believe readers now know why and how we can be our own source of financial security. Here, always remember that the principled way to approach finances is to take responsibility for your life and thoughts without rejecting the value others offer you independentlyTB0-112. Knowing this will build you a strong team striving towards a common goal while neglecting this will bring you many problems. Which one do you want? Only you can find out.