Benign Mesothelioma – Reasons, Causes and Prevention

Benign mesothelioma, unlike most asbestos cancers,can surface much sooner. Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma take 15 to 40 years to surface after the initial exposure to asbestos. Benign mesothelioma on the other hand, will surface much sooner.

What is Benign Mesothelioma?

Benign mesothelioma is not a form of cancer. It is a rare disease that is non-malignant and can easily be approached immediately after detection. Once benign mesothelioma is detected, patients should immediately get tested for other asbestos-related diseases. Ongoing testing is also recommended for other asbestos-related diseases so that early detection can be addressed immediately.

Is Benign Mesothelioma Life Threatening?

So far, malignant mesothelioma has an extremely high mortality rate, but it is possible for benign mesothelioma sufferers to fully recover if effective treatment is received. If immediate detection and treatment is not received, benign mesothelioma can be life-threatening.

The Difference between Malignant and Benign Mesothelioma

There are two very distinct differences between malignant mesothelioma and benign tumor cells. The first difference is that malignant tumors can spread to nearby tissues and cause severe damage to healthy tissues and organs, whereas benign tumor cells cannot invade other tissues. The second difference is, malignant tumor cells can move to other parts of the body which can lead to cancerous tumors developing in other locations. Benign tumors do not spread to other locations. Benign mesothelioma is not as dangerous as malignant mesothelioma if treated effectively.

Benign Mesothelioma Tumor Size Can Create Problems

Benign mesothelioma tumors,on the other hand, can increase in size. Larger tumors can negatively affect the surrounding tissues and organs. Large tumors can cause a buildup of fluids in the mesothelial membranes. This can cause some very dangerous side effects, such as seizures and comas.

Symptoms and Signs of Benign Mesothelioma

  • Shortness of Breath
  • Chest Pain
  • Chronic, Dry Cough

Benign Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Patients will be given a comprehensive physical examination. Patients will also have to provide a complete medical history, similar to that of malignant mesothelioma diagnosis. If benign mesothelioma is suspected, the attending physician will do various tests, including biopsy procedures, take samples of tumor tissues and fluids, chest X-ray, MRI and CT scans.

Treating Benign Mesothelioma

In most cases, the only treatment that is necessary for benign mesothelioma is a surgical procedure to remove the tumor which will require no follow-up treatment because the tumor is not cancerous and has not spread to other parts of the body.

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