Chillers represent a substantial capital investment and are a major contributor to operating costs in institutional and commercial facilities. For many organizations, chillers are the largest single energy users, and comprehensive maintenance is critical to ensure their reliability and efficient operation. He then offers his top five pieces of advice for achieving maximum efficiency, after averring that while predictive maintenance can be helpful, “a comprehensive preventive maintenance (PM) plan remains the key to ensuring the best performance and efficiency of a chiller.”
EDM machines, CNC lathes, and other temperature-sensitive equipment and processes. However, if the chillers are not maintained properly, their performance can degrade gradually, resulting in temperature variations that adversely affect productivity and product quality. Most portable chillers do not require a great deal of attention to keep working effectively. By periodically performing just a few simple and straightforward preventive maintenance tasks, you can help ensure that your chiller provides years of dependable service.
Chiller is a popular alternative for industrial facilities growing fast enough that the move from city water to specialized chilling units becomes cost-effective. Water chillers are also a well-known alternative to evaporative cooling towers. They are often claimed to be superior to towers in that the coolant water comes into contact with air in a tower, but stays in a closed circuit in a water chiller system. Industrial chillers can circulate as much as 400 tons of water. These units start at around US$2,500 and go up from there.