Workers’ Compensation Themed Balloons In Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?

Ok let’s get this out of the way. This is not true.

There are no Workers’ Compensation themed balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, but there should be.

A friend worked the parade once and briefly served as one of the people holding down the balloons with nothing but thick ropes and a whole lot of muscle. When the wind comes up it becomes a giant tug of war with the elements. The stakes are enormous.

Drop your rope and the balloon takes off whipping its cables like tendrils into the unsuspecting holiday crowd.

So you hang on for dear life even as you hear shoulder muscles tearing and popping all around you.  He hurt for three days. Still it was worth it. Technically it was an injury suffered on the job but as I volunteered…

Still it got me thinking about what the Workers’ Comp themed balloons would look like if they had them. I mean there’s the balloon payment but that’s too easy… here are some others.

  • The Workers’ Comp Fraud Balloon – A giant balloon of a construction worker. Sort of a Bob the Builder looking thing that deflates in the middle of the parade even though no one can find the leak.
  • The OSHA Safety Balloon – Safety first! Rather than expose the workers to rope burns and potential wind related shoulder injuries and, instead of exposing the parade watchers to possible neck strain while looking up, the OSHA Safety Balloon remains uniflated in the box and is carted (carefully) down the street on the back of a low emissions vehicle.

And of course…

  • The Workers’ Compensation Cost Balloon – This balloon, shaped like a giant fifty foot wallet and just keeps rising. Let us man the ropes for you and help you drag that sucker down and keep it at bay.

Call us (1-888-235-9946). In many cases Leaders’ Choice can help lower your annual premium by as much as 30%.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

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