Why is green tea such a unique beverage?

According to an ancient Chinese proverb you can deny yourself food for three days but you should never deprive yourself of a cup of green tea for even a single day. Reading this the question that must immediately cross our minds is what is so special about green tea? Why do health specialists worldwide extol green tea benefits? It can be safely said that no other drink in this world has as many benefits as green tea. Let us explore here some major green tea benefits.

We find the first mention of green tea in some Chinese documents which are said to be almost 4000 years old. Green tea benefits are holistic in nature which is undoubtedly a unique factor. For example, scientists recently found that a specific component in green tea restricts the growth of cancerous cells. Also, if you consume green tea regularly, it will help you maintain the balance between the good cholesterol or HDL and the bad cholesterol or LDL. Green tea benefits also include restricting the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. As you have better control over your cholesterol you are also more protected from cardiovascular diseases.

Believe it or not, green tea can also be helpful if you want a dazzling smile as it prevents bacterial infections and plaque formation in your mouth and it has some strong anti-inflammatory agents. Green tea also encourages an active system of metabolism and leads to weight loss, and is also a natural detoxifying agent to help your skin to glow.

We all know about antioxidants. Some common sources of antioxidants are fresh fruits and vegetables. You will be surprised to know that the antioxidant present in green tea is the most powerful one in nature, about one third of green tea’s dry weight is anti-oxidant. Green tea benefits are therefore not limited to some specific ailments. It is a wonder drink that takes care of your holistic health being.

Like green tea, other tea types such as oolong or black tea come from similar leaves of the plant Camellia Sinensis. But the processing of these leaves is different. There is a general conception that because green teas are unfermented, the anti-oxidants are more preserved to produce the green tea benefits.

Now, the Internet has opened up the world of unknown herbs and condiments which were not so well known few years back. You get green teas in different flavours. For example, Jasmine tea offers all other green tea benefits but adds some soothing aroma of carefully chosen jasmine petals which is a perfect option to start a new day. Many varieties of green teas are organically produced to extend their health benefits. Next time you take a sip from your cup of steaming green tea congratulate yourself for choosing one of the noblest drinks available on this earth.

Resource box:  Green tea and Green tea benefits are now recognized worldwide. Start enjoying its goodness and live a healthier life.

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