D Now – Giving Ownership
I love D Now. It is the favorite event that I plan at my church. Because of this I like to have my hands on everything. I like to be in control because since it is my favorite event I want to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. This is not the best practice in event planning or in ministry in general. You need to give ownership to others and allow them to play an important role. Not only will this help them grow but it will also take a great load off of you. In this article I want to explain to you the importance of giving ownership to others, ways you can go about this, and the benefits to you of making this decision.
You may have heard it said that we are all ministers. This is very true but the problem is that not a lot of people actually get the opportunity to minister. While we can minister wherever we are, we often first need opportunities to minister in the church first. We can learn and grow there and then branch out to bigger and better things. Most people have never been given these opportunities though and therefore have the idea that only full-time paid staff can minister. You need to break this trend and give others around you the opportunity to minister and planning and running your d now weekend is a great place to start.
But how do you go about this? There are many opportunities for this and since each situation is unique there is no way that I can tell you exactly how should give others ownership of your event. Here are a couple of ideas. One thing you can do is let adults and students lead your small groups. You obviously cannot be everywhere at once so will 3Com3M0-211have to relegate this responsibility to someone else. This also gives people an opportunity to practice leadership, teaching, and relationship building. Another thing you can do is think about the things you do not like to do. For instance, I hate recreation. I do not know what it is but even though I am a student pastor I hate games. They are a fact of student ministry though usually, especially when it comes to D Now. So I what I like to do is give people an opportunity to show leadership, take ownership of something, while also taking a load of all me.
So what is the point of all of this? It all sounds good but what is the benefit to you? There are two major benefits for you. First of all we are called to build disciples and by giving people these opportunities you are working towards doing just that. Also, your load gets a little lighter. Everyday we hear of people burning out and leaving the ministry. The majority of these people did not know how to give anyone else ownership of anything. They tried to do everything on their own and you could only last so long doing that. Do not fall into the same pit that so many have. Give some things up and save yourself some trouble and heartache.
Giving people ownership of things 9A0-094is a great way to minister to others, help them grow, and lighten your own load. I encourage you to put this into practice and your d now weekend gives you a great opportunity to do so.