Is There No Hope of Doing a Perfect Research
Research, I believe, is methodical searching of something that is previously vaguely known and partly understood. That is why it is perhaps called re-search,it is a thorough, concentrated and compressive effort, to analyze a subject to an extent which can yield reliable facts so that solutions can be reached. When under the light of Griffith’s saying we test the perfection of researches, it is time where the sweeping and incomparable ability, complexity and most important diversity of human mind and its thinking comes in. Human potential is inestimable of any range, capacity and challenge. And as a result when a research comes to face the world, it is a product of its geniuses, and thus it evokes thousands of more questions, thus reducing the efficacy of the research.
Research is a logical and systematic function and time range plays key role in its authenticity and conduct of perfection. We can say that research is like a breathing body, which is a slave of time. Research takes birth, lives its life and dies in the hands of its successors. For instance, for thousands of years distinguished philosophers like Aristotle and Hippolytus convinced the world about spontaneous generation of life from mud, slime and similar materials and not necessarily from the reproduction or multiplication of cells of similar specie. Later in 19th century, Louis Pasteur, using scientific method for investigation ruled out the commonly spread theory that life could spring up from anything.He proved that life arises from pre existing life and not from non living objects giving us famous phrase of “Omne vivum ex vivo” or “The Law of Biogenesis”.
Another important theory that changed the course of human life was John Dalton’s Theory of Atom or “Atomic Theory” in 19th Century declaring atom as the smallest particle in all the elements which cannot be subdivided, created or destroyed. He further declared that all atoms of a particular element are identical in their physical and chemical properties. Though the contribution opened new vistas in scientific research but it proved wrong in later3COM3COMexam scientific researches of JJ Thomson in 1897, discovering electrons in an atom. Furthermore, in 1913, Frederick Soddy and JJ Thomson proved existence of “Isotopes” highlighting the inadequacies of Dalton’s Atomic Theory
If the theory of evolution failed to live on, and if the Dalton’s Atomic theory was proven false and many others received similar fate, they are still serving as the foundations of modern sciences, theories which give basic formula for present advancement and studies which are not just helpful but true and precise, and are the pivot of modern day experimentation. So I don’t totally agree with the pessimism of Griffiths. Yes what can be claimed is that research is an ongoing process, with change constantly lurking behind it. In result to which either the existing theory is refined or declared void, but in any cases the research moves ahead. For a period of time it stays pretty close to perfection and then as the word reinforces re-searches, it enters another phase of exploration. It will not be wrong if we state research as a paradox to reality. An imperfect research is a very important step towards perfect research because it helps erase faulty probabilities for further investigation.
There is certainly hope for great research, an error in research is not imperfection or failure rather basis of research, through hit and trial. It would not be wrong for conclusion that discrediting imperfect researches is not the solution rather approval board for new researches should be 5A0-200competent and efficient.