Things That Really Matter To Business Angels
Before going ahead and finding business angels or accredited investors to help with startup capital, you need to know a few things. These are “common sense” things, but some that people may not think about. The first aspect is to obviously make a business plan, but even more important is the need for financial projections in the business plan.
Not just anyone is going to give you money because you say its a great idea. They will want to see how much they will have to give to start raising capital and how much money they will in turn make on their ROI. You can do this by filling out a financial worksheet. These worksheets will provide important start up capital information for your business angels or accredit investors for the investment deal such as the income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet.
It includes a projected cost report, which provides projected revenues and the expected income for the new business owner in the next 3 to 5 years. Providing such financial predictions will enable the new business owner will gain credibility from their financial lenders. It also gives them an assertive edge to raise capital from additional sources.
Another aspect you need to consider when going to business angels or accredited investors for a funding platform is your professionalism. Think of it as getting interviewed for a new job at a high-end company. Dress the part, act the part, BE the part. Act professional at all times. Never blow your top if someone tells you no when you ask about venture capital. Don’t get frustrated or discourages.
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