Gluten-Free Snacks, the Smart and Healthy Snack
Before talking about gluten-free snacks, it’s important to first understand what gluten is. It is a protein found in most whole grains. The largest concentration can be found in rye, barley, malt, and wheat.
It’s important to know what it is because it’s an ingredient in a lot of the food we eat daily. It helps give elasticity to bread dough and helps it rise and take shape. Its concentration is higher in bread flour than it is in cake flour. Its development is enhanced by the wetness of the dough and often results in chewier baked goods such as pizza bread and bagels.
It is also used to preserve foods. Back in the old days, bread only lasted a day. Today, bread lasts much longer than that, sometimes even sitting on the counter for a week before going bad. Gluten is to be blamed for that. The stuff is also added to different processed meats to prolong shelf life.
What’s the big deal about it?
The big deal is that it has an ill effect on the health of some people. The biggest misconception is that this diet is only advisable for those suffering from celiac disease. People who think this are mistaken. Once it gets inside the body, it becomes gunk in the stomach and intestines, and also has an effect on the sinus and joints. For those who are intolerant or sensitive, this could result in a whole range of health-related issues.
Issues arising from uncontrolled intake might include arthritis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and diabetes. Some extreme cases even have it linked to different cancers, the most notable being intestinal cancer. All of these issues begin with the autoimmune diseases caused by the protein.
How do I know if I am gluten intolerant?
Studies show that many people suffer from gluten intolerance and often have no clue that they do. Symptoms might include diarrhea, canker sores, rheumatoid arthritis, skin rashes, and joint pain. Sometimes neurological problems such as depression, dementia, anxiety, and even epilepsy can be linked to gluten intolerance. People who experience these symptoms should look into gluten-free products. In order to get a better understanding, it’s best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist. Only they can determine how far your intolerance is and if it might lead to other complications.
Where can I find it?
As discussed earlier, it can be found in whole grains. This is why it’s important to read the nutritional information and ingredients of the items you buy at the store. It can be found in food such as cakes, cookies, pasta, crackers, and most baked goods. Malt, barley, and wheat are also ingredients in the production of beer. Studies show, however, that most are gluten-free.
Fortunately for those who suffer from gluten intolerance, gluten-free diets are on the rise. Today, the diet isn’t just limited to those who have celiac disease. Anyone can join the trend and begin eating gluten-free snacks.
Abbi Rodrigez is a diet consultant who has recommended patients various gluten free products. For more details about it and how these can help you, read up about gluten free snacks.