How To Start Dreaming Again And Make Your Dreams Come True

I found myself in a very thoughtful mood today. Sometimes I just realize that time is moving so fast, much faster than I want and another year is speeding by. Gosh, I wish I had more control of this time machine! Thinking back I realized that I really have achieved so much in 2011.

My business and life are so different now and … as soon as I start focusing on my achievements, my “little voice” inside starts whispering inside of my head :” But you didn’t do …blah, blah, blah “…

Is this only me who is doing this to myself? I know I am not alone with this inner “little voice” dialog.

So how was this year for you?

Was it good? Was it bad? Was it what you expected?

You started off the year with ideas but nothing developed and now you feel like a failure? Are you burned out because you have tried new things and nothing has worked exactly how you thought it should have?

Do you feel like your life is a Life On Purpose or is your Life Lesson showing up again?

What is a failure and how does it come about? The perception of failure evolves when something new was attempted and the expected outcome was not reached. Now, was that really a failure or was it a learning experience? It was a learning experience if you push through that level of self criticism and say to yourself, “Well next time, I am going to do things a little differently and adjust my expectations, but I am not going to let that one little thing stop me from moving forward”.

Remember if you accept someone’s opinion or criticism, you are adapting to and buying their lifestyle. Unless this person has the lifestyle you want and is your absolute image of perfection as how a person should be, it is time to move on and find a new person who is worthy enough to criticize you.

By the way unless you have the lifestyle yourself that you want and your lifestyle is your own image of absolute perfection, you are not qualified to criticize yourself.

The moment you embrace any failure and celebrate the failure embraces you back and the perpetual cycle is broken. The moment you face and embrace any fear and push through that pain with faith, your whole system recalibrates and takes you to the next level of being.

Sit quietly focusing on each thing you feel you failed in, whether it is one item or ten and simply say to yourself, “I honor you, and no longer fear that I will meet you again on the road ahead, you are now like an old friend to me from whom I have learned a valuable lesson” ( It could be your Life Lesson)

You will soon be ready to set your goals even if you feel you are not.

Take inspired, imperfect action on Your Path To Success!

All I ask you to do is DREAM BIG!

Nadia Tumas – The Life Purpose Decoder

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