Responsibilities of IT project manager

Whenever you are dealing with any IT services based company there you must find a IT project manager or couple of mangers having certain departments under their nose. Various IT industries for their ranges of projects appoint project managers from different field to share the work.

When a project comes at IT services company, then it is the sole responsibility of the project manager to handle the project and divide it into several sections according to the clientele requirements. A project can be divided into several sections such as designing, programming, quality control, seo services, project management etc. To achieve success in all these areas the IT project manager needs skillful persons to get all work done.

Before starting work on project it is the duty of the project manger to look into technical feasibility and financial expenditure of the project.

After seeing the project now the IT project manager will turn towards the company to check whether the available resources and team of experts are well acquainted with the project or not. Whether they are capable of doing this project in time or not. All the project features are application to current technological situation or not. Because anything goes wrong with the project it may delay the deadline and occurs great loss for the IT services and business.

Ensuring the software solution delivered to the client should be bug free and the deliveries must meet all the IT services requirements to satisfy customer’s expectations. Setting up the ground rules for communication is also important for the IT project manager. Must go on regular meetings and video conferencing with the client and team is a necessary domain to give accurate shape to a clear business and project understanding.

Again it is the duty of the project manager to outsource IT services in case of any unavailability of particular expertise employees of a team. Must update all the reports from the various sections and give these reports to clients for better analysis which helps the manager to alert mind for the exact taste of clients.

Resource allocation is the most intricate job, which the IT project manager needs to be shine on it. Manager needs to be in touch with every department to check their growth of projects. The checking also includes writing tests, accurate planning for the working procedures, creating quality  assurance standards, defining acceptance criteria, organizing every contacts, testing of all finished parts of the project for better assurance, installing bug tracking systems, and if find any bug then give specific programmers to solve the  logged bug parts without harming the project.

It won’t be wrong if we say, the IT project manager is responsible for A to Z of the project. He should be responsible for risk management also. The manager needs to have an eye for future conclusions. Must know today’s one risk step lands where the company whether it takes the positive turn or will down the brand image of the company. The manager must have the nose to spot a problem miles away before its arrival on the current program.

As an IT project manager, It is his responsibility to include external responsibilities along with his internal working features. Because due to some external factors also the project can be held without any reason. The included external affairs are competition, industry standards, future market strategies, business environmental issues, social and political impacts etc. Current availability of the experts for the project is also necessary for the manager to count on everyone’s availability for the project.

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