Barrow Scottish Country Dance Celebrated its Annual Ball
Barrow Scottish Country Dance Society organized its annual ball on 12 November. Dancers from Aberdeen also reached the venue to participate in the event.
The Coronation Hall of Ulverston was amazingly decorated and its decoration was motivational for both the dancers and onlookers. Dancers were well dressed in designer kilt and other dresses.
Ian Muir and his band played marvelous music for the dancers that compelled the dancers to forget about the world and to just dance on their relishing music.
A member of Barrow Scottish Country Dance Society John Lindsay said, “There were 112 members and we even had a couple of spectators.” Lindsay further added, “The ball was a success – a couple sent my wife a card which said the music was fantastic.”
The event organizers were very much excited with the success of their event. A spokesperson of the organizing committee said, “Event was really amazing and was out of our expectations because we had never hoped so much success for our event.”
A dancer from Aberdeen said, “Event was really tremendous. I enjoyed myself dancing on the music played by Ian Muir and his band. I will again participate in the event when next time it would be organized.”
Onlookers were happy with the dance performances of the dancers. A lady of 36 said, “Dancers performing in their colorful kilts were looking fantastic. I enjoyed myself a lot in the event. I would love to request the event organizers to organize such events on time to time.”
To conclude, we can say that event was really blasting that was enjoyed by everyone: dancers, musicians, onlookers, and event organizers