Getting Started Exercising At Home

Exercising at home as appose to a gym is becoming increasingly popular. The benefits are it does not cost to subscribe, there is no travel and parking fees to pay. You are more likely to do it as you do not have to go out the house. You may be shy and not want to go to a gym full of people and many more.

As with all exercise routes consult first with your GP before starting any new diet and fitness plan. Buying home gym equipment need not be costly. Forget the huge running machines and weight machines buy the basics and make a routine to suit what you have got.
Start by buying a set of weights in 3 different weights, these usually come in a set. Buy as mat to lay and do toning exercises oh and a step for step aerobics and toning for the bench press ups.

Walking is a great form of exercise for the beginners its free and is natural and easy to do. Start by walking for ten minutes each day for four days after that increase the time by 5- 10 minutes for a further two weeks.

A popular technique is to power walk for 30 seconds then walk for 2 minutes and so on this rises the heart beat and allows it to slow down again in time for the next blurt of energy. When you have mastered this and you are beginning to feel fitter it can be time to jog and then run.

Home DVDS are a great way to visualise the instructor and follow their moves to get the workout designed for you problem areas. There are so many choices of DVDS from salsa, dance, legs, bums and tums, weight lifting, fat burning and many more. Having a DVD to watch helps you do the exercise for the right amount of time and shows you the basics of each move.

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