3 Ways to Write a Powerful Introduction
For most people, writing a report introduction can be a tough job. Overall, the best approach is usually to write the introduction after you complete the body with the report. But this still leaves you with the big problem of what the introduction includes and what it should omit. Your introduction needs to produce an immediate impact. It needs to possibly be relevant and attention-getting. Above all it should help your readers realize the big picture before they dive to the detail. Achieving this is never an easy task. This article explains three simple things you can do to achieve an introduction that can help inform and motivate your current reader. If you think in regards to the word ‘introduction’ what associations does it have for you? Chances are you’ll think about it as something hazy and hard to determine. After all, an introduction could include all manner of things, couldn’t it? So what should you do which will make your introduction relevant in addition to informative? Step one is to sit back and think relentlessly regarding the needs of your target audience. Typically as a beginning point, writers will ask the question ‘what do I need to tell the readers with this introduction? ‘ Instead, you should turn that question on its head and enquire of, ‘what do the readers should really know? ‘
Thinking hard about the result to this second question will allow you to move from being writer-centric to reader focused. For example, if your reader already knows the background to the commissioning with the report, you really don’t need to re-state it. If you are writing any kind of weekly or monthly record, look again at the conventional introduction. Is it a cut-and-paste of wording from an earlier report, or words that everyone already knows? If yes, cut them down, or better yet, cut them out absolutely. Step two is to identify the key point from your readers’ viewpoint. Once you have done this consider if you have any special or exceptional information that is to be vital to them. Anything legal or political? Any pressing deadlines that they can wouldn’t normally be anticipating? Whatever you identify, make sure you tap out it out clearly. Just as critical is to identify what your readers need to find out least. Are there points you are tempted to include that are only there for completeness or reference purposes? If yes, don’t be afraid to leave them out from the introduction. Your readers will thank you in the long run.
Step three is for you to highlight any actions as well as decisions. What do they should do once they have look at report? Clearly, this kind of details will be detailed systems of the report, but summarizing it clearly and concisely in the introduction is still very important. In summary, use the introduction allow your reader to realize why your report is critical; how to navigate via it, and what they need to do as a result of reading it. Remember the introduction will be your one big opportunity for you to hook your readers within, grab their attention and in actual fact make them want to learn to read. —— Andrew Jackson co-founder connected with Pacific Blue Solutions, works with businesses and individuals to further improve their communication skills and the effectiveness of their learning. To find more information on writing a report introduction or to register for our popular report writing mini-course free of charge.