Direct Mail Marketing Can Be Effective Even in the Digital Age
Direct Mail Marketing Can Be Effective, Even in the Digital
With an increasing number of businesses choosing to reach potential clients through e-mail and social media, many people are wondering whether direct mail marketing is a dying strategy. After all, since consumers spend so much time online, it makes sense to reach people through their computers.
Yet, surprisingly enough, direct mail marketing is as popular as ever. The Winterberry Group, a large marketing consulting agency, estimates that companies will spend 5.8% more on direct mail in 2011 than they did in 2010. Even Google markets via direct mail. If the internet’s most successful search engine is choosing to utilize direct marketing solutions, it is obviously still effective.
Why Direct Marketing Products Work
Direct mail marketing works for several different reasons. The first is because it puts a company’s information directly into the consumer’s hands. A letter always feels more official than an e-mail. It’s also easier to save a letter or packet. Consumers can hold on to a company’s information and browse it at their leisure. While an e-mail can easily get lost in a consumer’s inbox, paper is easier to keep track of.
Direct marketing products also seem more personalized and trustworthy. With so many companies advertising online and inundating consumers with spam, direct mail sends the message that a company holds traditional values. Letters, packets, and other mailings are also easier to personalize. While newspaper, radio, and television ads reach more people, these advertisements are very general. Consumers don’t feel as if a company is reaching out to them specifically.
When Direct Marketing Solutions Are the Answer
Direct mail marketing can be used alone or combined with other marketing methods. Many companies choose to follow a mailing with a phone call, e-mail, or other correspondence. Using several marketing techniques is an effective way to reach consumers. This allows potential customers to correspond with a company through whatever medium they feel most comfortable.
This also keeps a company in consumers’ minds. A single mailing may not be enough to inspire a customer to purchase a product or service. However, following a direct mailing with an additional mailing, e-mail, or phone call may be enough to open the lines of communication.
The bottom line is that direct marketing solutions are still very effective. In fact, many companies find that direct marketing is the most successful way to target potential customers. While this technique can be combined with other strategies for maximum effectiveness, direct marketing is not an outdated marketing strategy, even in the digital age.
The author has an immense knowledge on Direct marketing products. Know more about direct marketing solutions related info in his website.