Onycholysis – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Onycholysis is a type of nail fungus infection, which may result in embarrassment for you in public places. It is one of the four types of common fungal infections in nails. The infection can be so unsightly that you prefer to hide your finger nails. Often the psychological and physical condition of a person is revealed by the condition of nails

Onycholysis is also known as Tinea Unguium or ringworm nail. The Trichophyton fungus family is often responsible for this nail disease. For proper onycholysis cure, you need to understand everything about the disease including symptoms and treatment. If you suffer from this nail disorder, your fingernail or toenail will separate from its bed, mainly from the distal free margin.

Onycholysis Symptoms

Symptoms of onycholysis include changing color of the nails due to a yeast infection. You’ll not feel any pain in the nails if you suffer from onycholysis. Often affected nails look like normal nails, so it may be difficult to identify. The diseased nails might also be smooth and firm without any signs of inflammation.

In certain cases, the nails may be badly damaged and they may change their color to green or yellow, leading to easy diagnosis. If you find your nail lifted from its bed, then it might be this fungal disease. Nails of those suffering from this nail disorder become whitened or opaque.

Thickened skin may collect under the edge of a nail plate. You can spot indentations or pits on the surface of the nail. Deformed shape of the nail plate is also a symptom of onycholysis. Check whether the edge of your nail has bent or not. Coarse thick nails are also a warning sign for onycholysis.

Onycholysis Treatment

Treatment for this nail disease must begin as soon as possible so as to cause the least amount of damage to the nail bed. For proper onycholysis treatment, timely diagnosis is essential. Treatment for onycholysis takes a long time to complete. It is also a very expensive treatment for most people to afford.

If onycholysis treatment is not done on time, then there are high chances of the nail bed getting scarred. Nails that separate from the nail bed can easily hurt you when you move abruptly. So, trim them close to the place where they have come lose.

You may need to take the help of a doctor so as to avoid any mishaps. The correct onycholysis treatment can be administered if its causes are determined. The nails can grow again normally if they are treated for hyperthyroidism. Oral treatment for psoriasis can also improve the health of your nail.

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