Electrify the Criminals with Stun Guns
When we talk about self defense products, many come across our mind, like pepper sprays, stun guns etc. Stun Guns is an innovation in the list of defense products. Petrus Musschenbroek invented a device that stored static electricity. This stored electricity separated ions that were charged differently. He actually was shocked by his own invention. That shock led to the first crude designed stun guns. This device is commonly known as stun gun today. Women are always considered as a weaker sex and so when it comes to unfortunate criminal incidents she is the main target. More than 70 percent of women are robbed, assaulted or sexually harassed. Instead of being preys to such criminal activities its better to safeguard yourself. Security and safety of women is the major issue which our society is worried about. Rape cases are increasing these days even on dates and college campuses or be it parking lot. When we talk about self defense products stun guns are the simplest to handle and use.
Stun guns come in different voltages. 200,000 volt stun gun if used on the culprit can make him disabled for 20-30 minutes. Voltage can be as high as 1,000,000 volts, it seems high but the amperes are less. It doesn’t cause any serious or permanent damage to anyone. It is one of the most stunning device. The stun gun works on muscular and nervous system. The electricity causes shock into the muscles and the nerves. The neural pathways are blocked, henceforth hindering voluntary action of muscles. Stun gun causes disorientation and temporary loss of consciousness and imbalance which leave the attacker in a stunned and motionless state. The attacker remains helpless for atleast fifteen minutes and giving a victim enough time to escape or call for help, remember after using the stun gun don’t wait and watch for the outcomes just either rush out of the place or call for help immediately. Stun gun is the best when it comes to safety and security and is used by law enforcement agencies also by the cops against the criminals.
Stun gun is one of the best self defense product and the main reason is that it is convenient to use is because it is designed to be handy and portable. You can place it in your bag or inside your jacket. The positive thing about using a stun gun is that it can be used at any body part. Normally the easiest targets are stomach, chest, or back. Keep using it on the attacker till he crumbles down to the ground. There is a misconception that if the victim touches the attacker he can get a shock too, but actually this is not the truth, as a human body is a perfect insulator.
So save your life from life threatening situations. Use the best self defense product, Stun Gun and lead a life full of safety and security. Use them in emergency situations and get your enemy electrified and stunned with a real time shock.